Unknown Credit Card Charges
My Credit Card is being charged and I have no idea what the charge is for.
To find this out we will need the following information from you.
- last 6 digits on the Credit Card number
- Transaction Code from the Credit Card Statement
- Amount being charged and dates for the last 1 or 2 transactions
- Address on the Credit Card
Please note that the information requested above is required and without this information it is not possible to look up the charges. Please send this information to
Support and we can assist you further.
How can I get the Transaction Code?
Transaction Code is a 12 digit alphanumeric code always starting with 'V'. Example: VUJA0E93323C
The Transaction Code should be displayed on your Credit Card Statement. If you do not have the transaction code then please contact your Credit Card company and they should provide you with the Transaction Code.
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