Matrix settings
The settings option for the three matrix question types allows you to customize the question according to how you want to change the survey-taking experience. You can use the following options for customizing matrix question:
How do I change the settings of matrix question?
To change the matrix settings:
- Go to: Login » Survey (select a survey) » Edit » Workspace.
- Click on the add question button.
- Under basic question types » basic matrix, click on multi-point scales question type.
- Go to the settings option on the matrix question.
- Settings pane will open. Apply the required changes and close the pane.
- The changes will be applied automatically.
How many columns and rows can I add in the Matrix question?
There is no such limit on number of columns and rows you wish to add in a matrix question, but considering the survey width and the look and feel of question, it is recommended to add upto 10 columns.
How do I repeat column headers after specific number of rows?
When you have a lot of rows in the matrix question, the column headers can be displayed in repetition after specific no. of rows.
For example, if you are adding a matrix question to compare top 20 clothing brands, then you can repeat displaying column headers again after every 10 rows. This will allow respondents to easily trace the columns from which they want to choose the answer option while scrolling down the survey on their smartphones.
To repeat column headers:
- Go to the settings option on the matrix question.
- You will see option repeat column headers every below mobile rendering toggle.
- Set the number of rows after which you want to repeat the column headers. This option allows you to set no. of rows between from 1 to 20.
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